Saturday, April 11, 2009

Welcome to my blog! =)

This is my first time creating a blog so sorry if it's not too great! To introduce myself, I'm a 17-year Chinese girl who attends a boarding school in Illinois. I decided to create this blog to jot down the random things of life and whatever comes to me and to talk about makeup (my love!). I'm a semi-professional make-up artist (took cosmetic classes over the summer and worked at a beauty salon). So if you have any questions regarding makeup or anything else, feel free to comment or contact me anytime you want! I also have this obsession with asian fashion and anything asian-related and I specialize in Asian makeup and fashion. Send me a message if you're interested in chatting! =)I'll try to update this blog as often as possible but I'm really busy right now so I'm not sure if I'll have as much time as I want to update this blog.

大家好!我是sakura. 你们也可以叫我樱桃花。自我介绍一下:我今年17岁,居住在美国。不过我非常喜欢和欣赏亚洲文化!我10岁时就一名到美国了。我以前居住在武汉。我也比较爱追踪亚洲时尚。我制造这个播客是想分享一下我的人生和我的最爱:化妆!希望大家能够喜欢!还有,这次以后我可能不会再用中文写播客了因为用双语写伯克比较浪费时间不过如果有时间的话我会创造一个中文的播客的!谢谢大家光临哦!